In 2018 we met Yona, a young man who comes from a village near Balaka in the south of Malawi. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 70% of its population estimated to be living below the poverty line and over 40% to be under the age of 15.
The young people living in Malawi, particularly in rural areas like where Yona lives, therefore face huge challenges as they grow into adulthood. Many have lost one or both of their parents; have never been to, or have dropped out of, school; and have to fight to survive on a day-to-day basis. Without the local infrastructure or enterprise to help them, they can become extremely vulnerable in their teenage years.

We believe that by teaching young people like Yona vocational skills and providing them with the tools to start and grow their own businesses, they can very quickly create lasting momentum and change in their own lives, and in the lives of others.
Watch his story above to see for yourself!